Current Name Game
Some Aggravation Required: Naming IKEA Assembly Woes
Feng Shui designers can help you place your furniture so your house feels peaceful, calm, and focused. But when it comes to feeling good while assembling that furniture, you’re on your own. One psychologist has even called the Liatorp wall unit, a particularly challenging IKEA piece, “the divorce maker.” From the indecipherable icons in the instructions to the missing hardware and pilot holes, we’ve all felt this unique, intense rage at IKEA and its un-assembled furniture.
So, PopNamers, roll up your sleeves and name the frustration we feel when trying to put together “ready-to-assemble” furniture.
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Taunt Me
Assemble THIS
ÅRGSEMBLY collection
Stockholm Syndrome
Nordic Torture
This is meatballs!
I Kan’t Even Assemble
Particle Waterboard