Current Name Game

Good Vax Hunting: Naming vaccine appointment hunters

As the Covid19 vaccine eligibility expands to more and more people, securing an appointment is getting more and more difficult. From stalking CVS and Facebook community groups to developing their own apps, websites, or notification systems – people are creatively and diligently chasing down any available appointments and sharing the knowledge. Currently referred to as vaccine hunters, these people are helping countless individuals get vaccinated and we at PopNamer appreciate their tenacity.


Don’t be a sitting duck on this one PopNamers. What would you call these determined vaccine tracking individuals?



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  • Serum Stalkers

    Elle M. Enno
  • JibberJabbers

  • HuntRx

  • Invaxtigators

    Elle M. Enno
  • Cure-ators

    username here
  • Shot Chasers

  • Boosters

  • Dose-e-Dos

    Mr. Capybara
  • Stab Tabbers

    Mr. Capybara
  • Shot Sleuths

    Mr. Capybara
  • Track-a-vaxers

  • Vaxtrackers

  • Traxinators

  • The Inside Vax

    Oakland Girl
  • One-vax mind

    Oakland Girl
  • Hotshots

    Ms. Cypher
  • Haystackers

    Ms. Cypher
  • Shot Spotters

    Yolanda Jones
  • Jabberwiki

    Mr Smith

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