Current Name Game

It’s not a keeper. Quidditch seeking a beater name: Renaming Quidditch

Quidditch, inspired by the popular Harry Potter series, was brought into the muggle world in 2005. Using a magical mix of elements from rugby, dodgeball, and tag, athletes run around a field while riding on broomsticks trying to throw a ball through one of 3 hoops to score points. Believe it or not, the sport has grown so big that it is played globally and in professional leagues. However, with it’s growing popularity comes some concerns regarding the author and potential issues with the franchise. To separate themselves from these matters, US Quidditch and Major League Quidditch revealed plans rename the sport.


Time to whip out your wands and summon your creativity Potterhead PopNamers. What you think Quidditch should be renamed?


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