Current Name Game
How ‘Bout A Hard Fresca? Naming Fresca’s new alcohol infused line
Looking for a refreshing sparkling citrus soda with a splash of liquor? Coca-Cola has joined the growing trend of spirit-based canned cocktails. The beverage giant is releasing an alcohol infused version of its Fresca line named Fresca Mixed. Fresca’s zero calorie and grapefruit flavor already make it a great mixer for boozy drinks so this seems like a logical development. The new line’s flavors will also be inspired by fan recipes. We’re definitely buzzed with excitement!
If you’re feeling a little ‘mixed’ on the name, it’s your time to chime in PopNamers. What you think Coca-Cola’s alcohol infused Fresca line should be called?
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Fresca Twist
Fresca Tails
Fresca Kick
Fresca Buzz
Buzzin’ or Fresca Buzzin’
Splashers or Splash
Hard Fresca
Fresca After Dark
Hard Fresca