Current Name Game
Go-Go-Gadget Chair! Naming Wearable Chairs
PopNamers, do you have trouble finding a seat on your daily commute? Have you ever stood in a long line and wished a chair would magically appear? With wearable chairs like Lex by Astride Bionics, you are free to take a seat anywhere, anytime. These innovative devices work via a series of straps and buckles that fasten a seat pad with metal “legs” to your thighs. To sit, simply assume the position and the legs do the rest. A wearable chair may be the sit-down solution we need for this stand up world.
We invite you, our chair-ished PopNamers, to take a seat wherever you are and let us know what you would name the wearable chair?
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Chair Pants
Tri Thigh
Butt Buddy
HappyBottom (users: HB Riding Club, HB Posse)
U-Da Chair
Lazy Commuter
Genie Chair
Chair Today, Gone Tomorrow
Chair-ini (like Houdini)
Chair Wear
Back Seat
Seat of Your Pants
Hot Seat
Easy Chair